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purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. "the purpose of motive, motivation-

direction: a course along which someone or something moves...

courage: the ability to do something that frightens one.

"she called on all her courage to face the ordeal"

strength in the face of pain or grief.

what inspires you? to put forth "Effort"

Effort: strenuous physical or mental exertion. a vigorous or determined attempt. - endeavor, attainment, result, exertion, force, power, energy, work, labor, the sweat of one's brow.

Thanks! Herb Ratsch, Enjoy Your Day, GO IBO!

"Effort and courage are (not enough) without purpose and direction"

purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. "the purpose of motive, motivation-

direction: a course along which someone or something moves...

what inspires you?

what inspires you?

"Effort" what do you desire to achieve? (it will take effort on your part) how will you go about getting it done? (this too will require some effort on your part) what will it take to get you where you want to be? (again effort is needed) purpose, your desired results that you want to achieve... (to achieve anything worth having will take much more effort on your part). YES! you will need to know the direction that you - decide to go into what door you choose door number one or door number two or is it door number three that you like best? what will work for you? what's your direction? your direction, do you have a clear picture or vision of what it is you want to achieve? you will need to see what you want clearly in your mind... first: 'what is your goal? how do you plan to reach your objective? what are you focus on daily? Effort what do you spend all your time and energy on doing daily? Herb Ratsch, "Effort" and courage are (not enough) without purpose and direction-